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Call for Edinburgh 2024 Session Proposals - Now Open!

On behalf of the IMCC Planning Committee, we are pleased to announce the call for session proposals for IMCC Edinburgh 2024 is now open! A note from our congress chairperson Anne-Marie Galmstrup on the theme and goals for IMCC Edinburgh 2024:

Talks at the IMCC are an opportunity to share, discuss, and learn from pioneering museum projects worldwide.

Our main theme for IMCC Edinburgh 2024 is the ESG goals and the intersection between Environmental, Social, and/or Governance aspects of Museum Design and Construction. The looming climate emergency calls for urgent and radical reductions in embodied and operational carbon, environmental impact, and energy use in both new-build and retrofit work. Notably, here in Scotland, some of the largest museum capital projects are retrofitting historic fabric and sites. Yet the purpose and success of capital projects (and their end museum products) are increasingly also being shaped, managed, and measured, as they should be, by their social impact – their relationship with communities and stakeholders – and their governance – the values and principles they embody. The ESG goals are interlinked.

 We welcome groundbreaking, thought-provoking topics with a strong agenda fostering debate and collaboration across disciplines. We want to learn about spectacular new museums, breathtaking immersive experiences, and innovative transformations of historic fabric and World Heritage Sites. We want to re-discover the ‘Superpowers’ of Museums and their role in civic society. We want to learn what museum construction governance will be in the future. Please join us in Edinburgh this November!

Session proposals are due by 22 March - please contact Brian Mandrier, IMCC Managing Director -
brian@mandriergroup with any questions.


Emerging Museum Professional Scholarship